12 September 2002

oh, how i love my hall...

so many of us, freshmen and upperclass people and everyone, showed up to the peace vigil last night. it made me very happy. sarahk and i stayed around late and walked home, talking politics and activism and such. i said this and she agreed:

'the problem with holding a peace and justice vigil on september 11th is that it allows people to think that september 11th, 2001 was the end or the beginning of something rather than the one event (in a long string of events) that hurt us and people like us.'

nevertheless...it was a good event, and if the anniversary of the attacks is useful for anything, it's useful for getting people to think personally about something. i'm not sure if that's actually OK...after all, why not hold a peace and justice vigil on the anniversary of an american or american-supported attack on other people?...but the event was a success because we were all remembering how it felt for it to be 'us' rather than 'them' under fire. maybe remembering that will finally let us rethink our policy.

also, a bad paraphrase of sarah's boss, on radicalism: 'there's gonna be a revolution, but first we need universal health care.' and i thought, excellent! someone managed to state why i'm still interested in going into politics!

it was a good conversation all around. and then i came home, very tired, and ended up gabbing in the bathroom with brennan, allen, rebecca, mike, sarah for quite a while. fun stuff, NOT vigil-related. more...other-people's-sex-lives-related. woo hoo!