12 April 2004

back from what i have termed "eastover." some day when i'm not waaaay toooo busy, i'll post about holy week services, how it felt to miss good friday services for the first time in a decade, being lonely at the vigil, and the bitchy anti-easter weather. just one detail for now: congregational singalong to the hallelujah chorus. also: thai curry and matzoh ball soup are a fine combination, thank you very much.

another random detail: at the march on the 25th (which, btw, is receiving AMAZING visibility in the DC area thanks to seemingly infinite volunteers), i have decided to carry a big sign that says ASK ME ABOUT BEING A PRO-CHOICE CHRISTIAN. hell yes.

...so to speak.

finally, check out this dean op-ed on the nader candidacy. it's a little more self-promotional than i would like, but it gets the message across: don't do it, ralph! i *almost* wish he hadn't stated so flatly that nader's campaign and campaigns like it are destined for failure, if only because he didn't go on to explain why.

nader supporters need to understand why it can't work in the united states. otherwise, i think, they will only end up feeling bitter...and nobody, least of all dems in november, can afford that. mandatory electoral system design lessons for all!