wow...longest hiatus in quite a while. for a week i simply had nothing to say, and then, just when i had prepared a long, angry tirade about tom delay and his ridiculous christian zionist mission trip (last thursday, to be exact), i experienced technical difficulties. damn, damn, damn. suffice it to say that my worry is not that this ridiculous jerk is actually going to make things happen, but rather that the world, noting the microscopic collective intelligence of the current american powers that be, will either stop listening at all, or continue to listen solely because intimidated. it's not a pleasant prospect.
life continues apace. i have a job for the fall, which is very exciting even though it necessarily involves commuting in a car, and i have GRE and LSAT test dates. type a that i am, i also have a small booklet entitled "grad school possibilities" listing all the pertinent information about the programs i'm interested in so far: oxford, harvard, yale, ucsd, berkeley, michigan, stanford, duke, chicago, in that order. i'm trying to will myself back into the rhodes process, but seriously...ugh.
in other news, laurel has posted a photo of me sans hair, so if you'd like to satisfy my vanity and your curiosity, feel free to check it out. woo hoo.