wait. what? thursday now?
it seems like not-long-enough ago that i posted that last thing. but here it is the night before i embark on orals. [...you may ask yourself, 'how did i get here?'...]
the library tonight was quite the amazing scene. all the honors folks huddled in groups small and really small, talking shit like there's no tomorrow. no, just kidding...that was just the one kid in my group. the rest of us are talking like there's no tomorrow, but it's certainly not shit. minus the harried, end-of-everything feel, this is exactly what academic experiences should be. the APS study group blew through all twelve possible questions from the written in under two hours, and somehow i still managed to have a couple of fights over interpretation.
[minor side note: "at the center of ______ there lies a dread and a yearning" sounds like the beginning of a romance novel, NOT the beginning of an exam question. right?]
fifty degrees mid-may...campus with just seniors...a carnival in sharples. i mean, you expect the end of everything to be rather surreal, but i'm not sure i expected *this.* stay tuned for actual coherence later.