11 March 2003

ok, fine. here's the link to the poll. check out especially the last couple of paragraphs, which find--apparently--that 45% of americans think saddam was "personally involved" in the attacks on the world trade center.

WHATWHAT? i'm having a difficult time believing that the public could be quite this gullible, but i guess anything's possible. it's just depressing that so many of us have already been able to forget who osama bin laden and al qaeda are, what their history with regard to iraq is (difficult, would be the one-word answer), and when, exactly, iraq emerged as a "suspect" (just after bush decided he wanted to invade, if memory serves).

on a slightly (very slightly) more positive note, the lead story in the times at the moment notes that the US and britain, facing almost certain defeat in the UN, will probably have to extend the deadline in order to buy time.