19 February 2003

i am thinking about graduation. why? maybe 'cause it's inevitable. or maybe because i just read tony kushner's speech from last year at vassar, and i want to be happy, and radiant, and thank my parents and friends for their patience and courage. he said:

"I can tell just by looking at you not only how thoroughly and capaciously and meticulously you have been prepared for matriculation, but also how fantastically lively you all are, you are radiant, each and every one of you, your parents are schepping major naches at how radiant and formidable you have become, they're maybe not entirely sure why this effect was so expensive to produce but looking at you robed and mortarboarded and aflame with vision ambition and hope, they are certain it was worth every penny and each drop of spilled blood and they look forward to long years exacting their subtle and exquisitely costly vengeance."

and then later on, incredibly importantly,

"The answers you provide for yourself to the question WHY ME will be of great consequence to the way you answer WHAT AM I DOING HERE, but if I may succumb to the immemorial nasty habit of commencement speakers since back in the days when the robes you are wearing were street clothes, and offer you advice: one of the answers to the WHAT question ought to be: I am here to organize. I am here to be political. I am here to be a citizen in a pluralist democracy. I am here to be effective, to have agency, to make a claim on power, to spread it around, to rearrange it, to democratize it, to legislate it into justice. Why you? Because the world will end if you don't act. You are the citizen of a flawed but actual democracy."

yes, please.