this is clearly IT. the height of uselessness. it still feels kind of dangerous and exciting, though. my three-sided cubicle, in the middle of a whole lot of other three-sided cubicles (real wood, plenty of storage, neutral marble formica tabletops, not enough natural light, thank you very much) is completely visible to anyone from the surrounding area who might choose to walk by. which, i suppose, is why i keep compulsively clicking over to wordperfect and the mind-bendingly boring contents thereof. my supervisor is on the other side of the six-foot wall directly to my right.
luckily, IT has ITs advantages. like, for example, finding enough time to start a weblog. this is something i've wanted to do for quite a while...and here i am, doing it. lots of my friends and neighbors have these; it seems to be a swarthmore fad (or an everywhere fad, but the people i know who write them are at swat). and ordinarily, i'm not reallyreally big on fads--i guess rules were made to be broken, though. i just wish my little project were already well-established. that way, i might not feel so intimidated about its humble beginnings.
why is it called overpoliticized? probably because someone accused me of being overpoliticized, or practicing overpoliticization, or something like that, just the other day. it's probably very true. it's not a bad thing. recently i find myself forced to defend myself at length over things that i think are at least a little bit self-evident. is gender constructed? hell yes. am i a self-disclosing person? yes. or at least mostly. does being a christian make me silly, or a bad liberal? no, definitely not. are politics and morality inextricably linked? i sure as fuck hope so. and on, and on, and on. all my housemates (self included) are loudmouths with large egos. it's been an interesting ride.